How to Beat Seasonal Depression Before it Can Set in

Person walking during fall

September is almost over, we’ve all noticed the mornings that stay dark later and the nights that come sooner. While there's lots to love about Fall, many of us might also be preparing to not feel our best as we do every year. Understandably the bad weather, colder temperatures, and shorter days can take their toll, but there is a way to combat falling into the annual cycle of battling SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). That’s why we’re giving advice on what to do now before we’re in the midst of Winter, to stay on top of feeling our best! 

Start Creating Routines Now

Routine helps us feel in control and can be good for leveling out emotions. So if you don’t already have one, try creating a simple and attainable morning and night routine. You can start with it being as simple as making your bed in the morning and being in bed by the same time at night. As these start to be second nature, feel out adding more steps to your routine of things that otherwise might get left on the back burner. 

Try Setting Up Recurring Events

Having things to look forward to is important to staying in high spirits. A great way to hack this is to have recurring events on your calendar. Try setting up a weekly dinner with friends, going to a Thursday night movie with family or friends, have a Saturday morning walk that ends with grabbing a coffee at your favorite spot. This goes along with having a routine but also incorporates spending time with people you love which will always make you feel better. 

Try Meal Planning or Meal Prepping

Eating balanced meals helps keep your energy levels steady and can boost serotonin! There’s also tons of delicious fruits and vegetables in season during the fall and winter. If coming home from work every day and cooking feels daunting, try taking some time over the weekend to cook your meals so they’re ready to go when you need them. Or alternatively, prep a handful of ingredients at the beginning of the week that can be made into different dishes so you have options and an easy way to eat in a way that nourishes your body. 

Get Outside When You Can

When weather permits it, get outside! Moving your body is a great way to keep your mind and body feeling its best. Going outside and connecting with nature is also a good way to feel grounded to the environment around you.

These tips are all great ways to try and stay on top of your mental health this fall and winter. But, if you feel like they aren't doing enough and you need a little more, talking to someone could be a good idea. Book your free consultation now at


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