Managing Stress Around Back to School

Chalkboard and school supplies

As September sneaks closer and closer it’s completely normal to have anxious feelings surrounding back to school. Maybe you’re sending kids off for the first time, or you’re a teacher, or you’re starting a new year as a student. Whatever you’re feeling is valid, but it shouldn't be taking over your life. That’s why we’re discussing a few different ways to manage any stress surrounding back to school! 

Start planning early:

The sooner you start preparing for the new year the better you’ll feel! Don’t put off back to school shopping for the night (or even week) before, have your schedule as close to memorized as it can be, if you’re going to have to commute have a plan figured out. This will help minimize any bumps in the road during the first day back!
Do a trial run:

If you have kids heading back to school one of the best things you can do for yourself and them is a school day trial run. Have them wake up at the time they’re going to need to for school and do a run through of the morning! Allot the amount of time you’ll all have and try doing breakfast, getting dressed, packing lunches, and getting out the door on time! Better yet, do a few trial runs! It’s hard to be over prepared for something like this.

Create goals for the year:

Try making a list of reasonable, achievable goals for the school year. These goals can be something as small as doing your homework a day early, or as big as joining a new club or team! Periodically check in to see how you’re doing and if you complete them all, try adding a few more! For parents and teachers goals can look like getting to school early, prepping lunches for the week on Sunday night, or having a nightly work time where you grade papers or sit with your kids while they work. Goals are a great way to stay organized and engaged throughout the year. 

Have a support team:

When stressful times inevitably hit, have an established support system that’s ready to help you through it. Never be embarrassed to ask for help, we all need it sometimes.

Get enough sleep:

Things always go downhill when we don’t sleep enough. If you’re feeling stressed about back to school, check-in and see if you’ve been getting enough sleep the last few days. If the answer’s no, try getting to bed a little earlier for the next few days and see if that helps. 

There’s no one answer on how to manage stress about back to school, but hopefully you found one or two helpful tips to try out! If the stress you’re feeling feels more intense than just temporary jitters, it could be a good idea to reach out and talk to someone. Book your free consultation today to see how Mayra can help you!


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