Navigating Trauma: From Shelter to Sunshine
Imagine trauma as a storm, and our reactions as umbrellas we open to shield ourselves. When the storm rages, these umbrellas are our lifelines, protecting us from getting drenched. But sometimes, long after the rain has stopped, we're still standing there, holding our umbrellas up high, forgetting the sun is shining above us.
In our journey to heal from trauma, it's crucial to remember that sometimes we're reacting to memories of past storms, even if the skies are clear today. This healing journey is like realizing we're still clutching that umbrella and deciding to fold it up.
Making this shift isn't easy. It's like trying to spot a landmark in a rearview mirror that's become a tiny dot in the distance. But, our relationships with others act like friendly nudges, reminding us: "Hey, the storm's passed. It's time to let in the sunshine."
In short, our protective reactions were perfect during the storm. But now, with clearer skies, it's time to dance in the sunlight.
Want to learn more about your trauma responses and how they may be affecting your life? Schedule your free consultation today!