Realistic Resolutions: How to Set Yourself Up for Success This New Year

With the new year approaching, it might seem like the perfect opportunity to try and completely change your life with your resolutions. It’s something we’re likely all guilty of, setting too many resolutions or resolutions that are way too big and then being hard on ourselves when we inevitably don’t achieve them. It doesn’t have to be this way though! Setting realistic resolutions is possible and we’ve gathered a few different ways to help you achieve success (in whatever way that means to you!) with your resolutions this year. 

1. Limit your resolutions

 The fewer you set, the more likely you are to achieve them. If you try to set too many resolutions you’ll feel overwhelmed and will probably give up on all of them. Instead, try choosing one or two resolutions to focus on, you can always incorporate more resolutions into your life and routine after you’ve made headway with your original goals.

2. Set goals that create habits, rather than lead to an outcome

This can be hard, especially when you might have one specific outcome in mind that you want to achieve. So, for example, say you want to save up money for a car, don’t have “save $10,000 for a car” be your resolution. This is an outcome-based resolution. Have your resolution be something that will contribute to this, like cooking at home six days a week, or only buying clothing that you really need rather than just want. These are resolutions that will not only still help you save money, but that also incorporate good habits into your lifestyle. 

3. Tell your friends and family your resolutions

By telling other people your resolutions, you’re more likely to achieve them. This is because by telling other people, your resolution is going to feel more “real” in the sense that it exists outside of just your head. Telling friends and family also gives you the option of having outside support towards reaching your resolutions. 

4. Stop “all or nothing” thinking

Any effort put towards achieving your resolutions is still progress. If you have an off day or week where you don’t stick to your resolutions, don’t just give up because you’ve “already failed.” Progress isn’t linear and it is perfectly normal to have bumps along the road when trying to succeed at anything. Just try to get back in the routine of incorporating your resolution into your life and soon it will be second nature! 

Is tending to your mental health one of your resolutions this year? Reach out for a free consultation to see if we’re a good fit. From all of us at MINDplexcity, we hope 2024 is full of growth and peace!


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