Why has Becoming a “Workaholic” Been Normalized?
What Prompts us to Become Workaholics?
It’s no secret that the United States encourages the mindset that work is all that matters. We have some of the shortest paid maternity and sick leave in the world and are one of the only countries with no mandated federal holidays or minimum paid time off requirement. So, part of the reason people become workaholics is because of the innate cultural pressure to always be working. But, there are other reasons too like anxiety, need for peer approval, being a perfectionist, using work as an escape from reality, and countless other factors can contribute to someone becoming a workaholic.
Why is it Bad to be a Workaholic?
Really, why is it good to be a workaholic? There are virtually no pros unless you’re looking for a distraction, and it comes with so many more cons. People who have issues putting time between themselves and their work are more likely to feel burnout, are at increased risk of health issues, have an increased risk in disrupting or running family and relationship dynamics, struggle with their mood and emotions more, and generally lower their satisfaction with their life.
How to Set Boundaries at Work
Deciding to no longer be a workaholic and set boundaries at work is easier said than done. You don’t want people to feel like you’re slacking now and don’t want to let anyone down. That’s understandable! But in the end, setting strict boundaries with yourself and letting your job get used to you working a normal amount is better for everyone. If you don’t know where to start when it comes to setting these boundaries, here are a few suggestions: Identify the priorities in your role and focus on them, say no to work that is being handed off to you, create built-in breaks during your work day, start work and leave work at similar times each day, take time off when you want or need it, communicative your role and work clearly to others.
It’s normal to feel some stress and anxiety when establishing boundaries. But, it can also be helpful to talk about why you push yourself to be a workaholic and what boundaries feel right for you. Book your free consultation with Mayra today and break down your workaholic mindset!